It does not currently, but I can make it do that. I'm not sure how much people want to be notified, but on the other hand it would serve as a reminder to check every once in a while. I'm definitely noticing it's harder to remember to do that when it's not a handy app with popup notifications.
I'm a modder with Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel (I've only worked with Province: Cyrodiil so far, but I'll almost certainly work on SHOTN), who also has written a fair amount of Morrowind fanfiction.
I came to Morrowind kind of late, in 2009, but the world's stuck with me ever since. I enjoy Oblivion and Skyrim as well! Don't really do MMOs any longer, but I'm told ESO is one of the best, and I'm inclined to believe it.
Greetings and blessings of your gods, spirits, and sigils. The sun is blue, the river sings, and the children are looming.
I hold the banners, silks, and nym-writs of Ibbilaibash, Komekajo, Hlormasyanmasahnissal, Draaldovvu, ABAGARCANET, Lehkohdeh, Bchunvardin, Qulhiteixhu, Gijibidnilxelqijdig, Kṣámsū́rnārādṛś, Hoomtonem, Steshar, Dhaunsacecalganenanmil, Keeper of the Abling Tongue, Slayer of the Warbler-Goat, She of the Middens of Canons, He of the Screaming Master, They of Yellow Sounds, Friend of the Lyre-Folk, Enemy of the Nephew Isles, Lover of Moldy Brothers, Feared by the Northwestern Depth Folk, Gvakoth, Mlynnulu, Iumyaazraciuk Blue-Finger, T'ëp'ëtsh, Sir Poukegui of Trænwood, Dàh, Saiptgo'i Skin-Eat, Hijurbailshin ... [this goes on for some time] ...
But you can call me Setopo, the Serpent-Tongued Poet. Never challenge the goddess in poetry and dance.
You have discovered the hidden word to enlightenment: AUROBORIS